7 Advantages of Running Google Ads for Amazon Products

If you’re on the hunt for a new strategy to boost your Amazon Store impressions and increase your sales with high-volume external traffic, then learning how running Google Ads for your Amazon Product Listings can work for even the most saturated product category. This new strategy offers several advantages, especially for Amazon Sellers looking to take leverage an alternative advertising platform outside of Amazon’s Marketplace.

Many sellers feel the landscape on  Amazon will only become more competitive given that new and established competitors are spending more on Amazon each day. Testing Google Ads is one way to approach the problem differently.

Here are more reasons why running Google Ads for your Amazon Products is something you should seriously consider this year and beyond:

Amazon incentivizes the traffic you bring in from Google Ads

Amazon may be the #1 eCommerce marketplace in the U.S., but that doesn’t mean they don’t have competitors to worry about. The eCommerce giant knows that staying on top requires more effort than just being every customer’s first thought when it comes to online shopping. They can enlist their sellers, too. And what better way to encourage amazon sellers to join in than to reward them with bonuses?

Through Amazon’s Brand Referral Bonus Program, Amazon sellers are rewarded for driving traffic into Amazon listings from external sources. Amazon pays Sellers an average of 10% back from qualified sales through external referral traffic they bring to Amazon. The bonus applies to products that feature the Amazon Attribution tag which is tied to products that are advertised through external referral sources and non-Amazon advertising efforts such as Google Ads. Brands that are registered with Amazon’s Brand Registry are the only brands that are qualified to join the bonus program.

To make things even more intuitive, Amazon made an announcement about an update on their dashboard which helps sellers track the benefits of their referrals better.

Running Google Ads puts your Amazon products in front of 53% of shoppers researching your products before making a purchase

While your customers from Amazon ads may be at different stages of the customer journey, your Google Ad viewers (and potential Amazon customers) are a different audience starting with  Google’s search engine. Having access to that percentage of shoppers that consult with Google before a purchase creates advertising exposure that you can never get by simply advertising on Amazon.

In fact, Google has claimed that people are shopping across Google more than a billion times a day.

Who would want to miss that?

Increased Amazon traffic via Google Ads =  Increased ranking

Amazon loves rewarding the external traffic it receives. It does so by relying on the URLs you use, and proportionally, the amount you spend on your ads.

Among these URLs are Canonical URLs which are links that redirect you to a product's detail page. This type of URL contains keywords that Amazon has pulled from the first five words of the product listing's title and are separated by hyphens. During a Google search of specific items, Google highlights the keywords found within an Amazon product's canonical URL, making it an important part of external advertising efforts.

Another type of URL you can use are Super URLs which help products rank higher for valuable keywords. Super URLs work by making the ranking algorithm categorize each click as coming from an organic search. The use of Super URLs is in a gray area. Amazon hasn't directly mentioned Super URLs in their Terms of Service, however, they did explicitly mention that manual manipulation of their search engine is considered a breach of the Terms of Service as seen below:

READ MORE: How can you improve your Storefront for external traffic?

Advertising via Google Search Ads for Amazon boosts sales

Running Google Ads for your Amazon Products may be a new strategy for advertisers in the industry, but for our team of seasoned experts at AMZ Pathfinder, it isn’t.

Our resident Amazon Advertising Experts help advertise brands to a wider audience outside Amazon that welcomes a new wave of customers resulting in a noticeable increase in sales.

Below are some performance results that we were able to generate for one of our G4A clients during the months of March 2022 and April 2022. We can’t disclose the brand but they are in the competitive wellness and fitness product category:

In 2 months, we provided an additional $128,000+ in incremental ad revenue for this client while keeping below their target ACoS. We have been managing their Sponsored Ads campaigns for several years and they allowed our team to assist them with generating more sales with our G4A service.

Could your company use results like these? We are competitively priced as it is still a new service but our current value pricing will not be the same for long.

Schedule a call and discover how we can make it happen!

Keyword aCPC may be cheaper on Google, making keyword arbitrage possible

Aside from the increased traffic and sessions that you can get from your external advertising efforts, another potential benefit is the keyword aCPC (average cost-per-click). With lower aCPC for some terms on Google, it makes it possible to perform keyword arbitrage, a marketing technique that allows you to purchase keywords at a lower pay-per-click cost on one platform and send them to a different platform where they are more expensive. Through this technique, the traffic from Google can be redirected to your Amazon listings, allowing you to pay less per potential customer and earn more revenue. It makes mathematical sense.

READ MORE: This is how you maximize visibility through keywords on Amazon!

Use external traffic from Google to boost traffic during product launches or special events like Prime or Holidays

The extra traffic that gets sent to your Amazon listings is not just beneficial for normal, non-event days. It makes sense to take advantage of paid external traffic when your brand is launching new products that need more qualified sessions and sales. This is especially true during the honeymoon period when Amazon gives a new listing an opportunity to be seen amongst top-ranked products and evaluates its performance. This is widely considered to be a 45-60 day period but the first two weeks are the most important. You can hit that product with a blast of qualified traffic during this time period for maximum impact.

With an increase in shopping activity during special shopping days such as Amazon Prime Day and BFCM (Black Friday/Cyber Monday) along with special holidays like Mother's Day and Christmas, advertising via Google Ads is a great way to boost external traffic. Conversion rates are much stronger during these sale days, unlike regular days since those who click on Google ads have a higher likelihood of getting good deals and/or making purchases.

Why We Consider Google Ads for Amazon Products a “Blue Ocean Opportunity”

Blue ocean opportunities are business opportunities that are not common knowledge to many at a specific point in time. They are rare as many people would not have had the opportunity to consider nor explore them yet, so they represent massive untapped potential.

While most  Amazon sellers are looking for small performance increases with the latest new advertising strategies and sticking to traditional Amazon advertising, those who have considered Google Ads are close to tapping into a wide range of audiences that no Amazon Advertising purist can take advantage of.

In this case, the resources are in the form of keywords for which Amazon sellers will want to rank. Due to lower demand, Google Ad spend can be more affordable unlike on Amazon where ranking can be challenging and expensive.

READ MORE: Why should you run Google Ads for your Amazon products?


Like many blue ocean opportunities, once other Amazon sellers catch wind of it, it won’t take long before they discover the Google Ads advantage and launch their own fleet to explore the great blue beyond

This is a great time to outfox your current competitors before they begin to implement this strategy for themselves.

While this strategy is still fresh, why not consult with AMZ Pathfinder,  a team of seasoned Google Ads for Amazon Products experts who can help maximize your brand’s earning potential through tried and tested external advertising strategies?

Are you looking for more tips and tricks in the world of Amazon selling? Check out our blogs here.